WHILE STANDING ON THE town plaza, looking at Kearney's Castle (at right), I felt my phone vibrate with a Bluetooth download. The file was coming from the old Town Hall and it was an audio tour of the town. I accepted the file and liste...
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Bernie Goldbach in Cashel | Laptop snapped at our local McDs.
I SEE A LOT of road warriors encamped at our local McDonald's with laptops and tablets. They're using free and open wifi under the Golden Arches.
McDonald's in Cashel is t...
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MY TAKE ON BROADBAND throughout Ireland often comes by looking at speed tests, watching wireless broadband signals on my mobile phone, and wishing for more joined-up thinking about best ways to use the infrastructure. While I'm looking a...
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Bernie Goldbach in Cashel | 388 words
WE REBOOTED OUR ENTHUSIASM for geocaching, led by our four-year-old daughter who proved her sleuthing skills by discovering two
local geocaches within an hour of walking out the front door.
I tried...
Geocaching with Young Ones
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Bernie Goldbach in Cashel | Photo of rolling stock.
ST PATRICK'S DAY in Ireland passed under a light rain in the sunny southeast and I reckon a third of all the entries in the
local Golden Pages rolled through Cashel as part of the annu...
St Patricks Day in Cashel
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ONE LITTLE SECRET of my life involves my local newsagent who gives me a major price break when I chose to get wet newspapers. And are they wet today! I returned from his cash till with a pile of wet pulp and €10 of unexpected spare chang...
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MY MOLESKINE REMINDS ME that we should continue our discussion about setting up a Good News Zone in South Tipperary--an online community that connects businesses to each other through a flow of events, special offers and ideas that make ...
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AT 6AM WE heard a single knock at the door. We woke up but nobody was out front. So I drove up to the
local petrol station to buy the Sunday papers and snapped the shot that's on my blog post, on the cover art of my Audioboo and in the f...
Continue reading "Local Smash and Grab then National Paper Round" »
NEW MEDIA CUTS -- Tim Kirby lives in a part of Dublin that seems to regularly attract social protest and you can see the opinions stream from the streets to his blog. A pocket of residents are resisting payments for rubbish collection, a...
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