IF YOU ENJOY geotagging images like I do, you'll discover Flickr's new Map facility puts photos exactly where they should be located--as long as you don't shoot outside of licensed areas. The maps used on Flickr and Yahoo! do not inherit...
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YOU NEED TO KNOW that if you're backpacking across Ireland with either Google Earth or Flickr's maps as your guide that neither of those sources provide accurate GIS data. They're both fine for relative information such as point-to-point...
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JON UDELL recalls the conventional wisdom around tagging items in your digital stash. "People could never be bothered to invest effort in tagging their stuff. What del.icio.us and then Flickr and then a host of other web applications sho...
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ALTHOUGH SOME PEOPLE may be getting browned off about the game play of Foursquare, I've a lot of time for location-based services. During the past year, I've slowly climbed up and slipped down from holding 100 mayorships--but anyone who'...
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I LET MY PICTURES do the talking to Flickr but not just because they capture an image of a place. When my mobile phone pictures upstream from my mobile phone, metadata embeds itself in the photostream as well. So if I'm in a pub, snap a ...
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IMAGINE A PHONE YOU CAN CONTROL--really control--from its opening screen. Imagine a phone that let you see whether your friends were within a half mile. Imagine a phone whose desktop you can set up quickly and manage efficiently. Imagi...
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AS I FINISH OUR first week of broadband access only over-the-air, I remember clearly the feeling I had while living in dial-up land less than three years ago. We rented a house in located seven miles from the nearest digital telephone ex...
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ENTERPRISE IRELAND runs a Leadership 4 Growth programme that puts chief executives into California for a series of seminars. After chatting with a few of the privileged attendees, I learned that on weekends, it's possible to journey sout...
Screenshot from my Xperia phone.
WHEN I FIRST SAW the names of people on my Google Maps next to pinpoints where they worked, I remembered that I told Google that I did not mind sharing my home or work
location (and then I spoofed my...
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UPDATED 28 May: Fixed Enda typo.
MY LOCAL NEWSAGENT gives me four newspapers and some change when I hand over €8.50 every Sunday. And I cull questions every Sunday out of habit. It's a habit grounded in the Monday Media Writing class th...
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