I FEEL SAFEST aboard Irish trains, especially after a 90 minute journey on a crowded Buseireann bus. I wonder when we will feel safe dropping masks because I don't think COVID will ever be as simple as the common flu.
Continue reading "Safe Travels During COVID on @irishrail. But." »
by Bernie Goldbach in Clonmel
Traveler's Notebook on February 9, 2023 after watching at least five hours of YouTube videos created by people who shared their power tips with their notebooks. I still have a sizeable...
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ALTHOUGH SOME may be surprised, I do not know anyone who has spoken to a travel agent while sorting out international air travel to professional events during the past two years. Today's knowledge workers know how to use cool tools--many...
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I LAID OUT my major travel kit on my bed in Portland's Ace Hotel because there are some things I've discovered about making multimedia postcards while traveling. A quick cameraphone is essential and my old reliable is my Nokia N86. It ha...
WE PACK OUT of San Diego just after 8AM local and if our luck holds, we will arrive in Cashel 20 hours later. The big reason we're returning: Twenty Major is filming a remake of the Bible. Travel tips we pass along to friends who read th...
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THOUSANDS OF GALLONS of potentially hazardous material have been discarded at airports throughout Europe. As a citizen who sorts, recycles, compacts and composts, I need to know what the airport authorities are doing with the gallons of ...
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VISITORS TO IRELAND should read about stupid driving in Ireland, such as that demonstrated by the white van registered as 05C24384 around 2200 on 6 May 2006. My Nokia N70--used by a passenger--caught its profile but did not register the ...
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WE HAVE USED the Garmin Nuvi 360 for six weeks now and because it always delivers something interesting when traveling poorly-marked Irish roads, it's now always with us when underway in Ireland. It's accurate, reliable and fun to follow.
Continue reading "Review of Garmin Nuvi 360" »
IF YOU HAVE A EUROPEAN mobile phone account and you plan to travel in the European Union this summer while ringing around, using your mobile phone just got cheaper. With O2-Ireland, calling from any EU country back into Ireland costs no ...
AFTER OBSERVING 14 celebrations of St Patrick's Day while living in Ireland myself, I've decided it's worth noting things about the holiday that deserve mentioning to my Irish-American family who have bookmarked my blog for their annual ...
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