Image from Trusted Reviews.
WE ARE SPECIFYING a suite of creative media production tools that will help university students produce broadcast quality content while on remote assignments. For the past six years, I have used an iPad Mini ...
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I FEEL SAFEST aboard Irish trains, especially after a 90 minute journey on a crowded Buseireann bus. I wonder when we will feel safe dropping masks because I don't think COVID will ever be as simple as the common flu.
Continue reading "Safe Travels During COVID on @irishrail. But." »

UPDATED 25 JULY 2021. Added links to both my #Zettelkasten content on Roam and to the #Quick Capture service on Roam. Added shout-out to Chris Byrne.
I USED TO BE a casual reader until I figured out I remembered things better when I h...
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THE REPORTING OF more than 600 daily cases of Covid-19 for the first time since late April was a “cause of concern”, the chief medical officer warned today, the same day we were notified by a close contact that she had COVID. A few hou...
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I READ Karlin Lillington's byline in The Irish Times and she has shared several relevant consumer items about the costs and hazards of technology. Her cautionary note about the prospects of encountering bill shock related to mobile phone...
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IRELAND HAS TAKEN CONTACTLESS to a whole new level by effectively locking down venues such as community swimming pools, libraries and cultural centres. The Corona Virus Strategy also means changing my teaching style from hands-on lab s...
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AS 2018 OPENS, I'm keen to see if the innovative use of digital technologies I've used with Ireland's Youth Media Team can be channeled to support part of the proposed Digital Learning Framework.
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WE ARRIVED in Northern Ireland during Parade Season and every fourth town within easy driving distance has a parade on July 12th. While the drums beat, I spent part of a quiet morning looking out at part of the 350 acres that compr...
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AS I WATCH MEN clearing part of a forest around our rented bungalow, knowing the land will be converted to a non-forest use, I realise I have 34 work days to prune more than a terabyte of items stored on my OneDrive at work. The an...
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WHEN I BROUGHT Amazon video streaming into our Irish home, the first thing my wife wanted was the service on a TV screen. I'm halfway there--we bought ourselves a media player from Western Digital that gets our YouTube content onto an in...
Continue reading "Using WD TV with Old Local Files and YouTube" »