SEQUOIA BROADBAND -- I spotted information about "dynamic signage" delivered to one of my blog pages by Google AdSense and noted there are several companies now camped inside the arena of interactive signage. For example, Sequoia offers end-to-end media solutions for on-site video, interactive kiosk networks, training and corporate communications. It's a "starbucking" idea.
The Sequoia solution runs on top of IBM’s Java-based WebSphere Application Server, alongside IBM’s DB2 UDB relational database and Ipedo's XML Information Hub. This combination gives Sequoia the power and flexibility to easily tune, manage, integrate with other existing systems.
I watched Tim Kirby drag and drop rich media files for a Vodafone campaign into a similar (and probably less costly) system last summer. Like Sequoia, Kirby's Intellisign system lets you preview media files and then distribute them as broadcast-quality video playout on large plasma displays.
Interestingly enough, there's a native American connection in all this. One from the Sequoia tribe, another from the Minqua Lodge. To understand those linkages, you would have to know more about the Santry Skunkworks. That's another topic, but one that may never see the light of commercial reality.
Sequoia broadband technology
Search for snippets about Intellisign deployments in Ireland.
James Corbett -- "starbucking"
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