TAINT -- After hallucinating about an Irish breakfast in cholestoral-free southern California, Justin Mason meanders from black pudding to King Crisps before sharing scientific conclusions that nose pickings are good for you. Spare a thought for the displaced Irishman who has somehow totally misconstrued the long-standing Guinness proclamation. Guinness is good for you. Hands up for those who believe nose pickings are good for you. The evidence from Innsbruck-based lung specialist Prof Dr Friedrich Bischinger is sound, even though Dick O'Brien does not concur.
Medically it makes great sense and is a perfectly natural thing to do. In terms of the immune system the nose is a filter in which a great deal of bacteria are collected, and when this mixture arrives in the intestines it works just like a medicine.Modern medicine is constantly trying to do the same thing through far more complicated methods, people who pick their nose and eat it get a natural boost to their immune system for free.
Justin Mason -- "nose-picking"
Ananova -- "Top doc backs picking your nose and eating it"