SHANNONSOFT -- Tony Murphy (Gartner) addressed a Shannonsoft event and offered ways to improve the positive correlation between IT spending and business value. His presentation stems from a Gartner IT Expo event in 2003. His recommendations involve process and governance structures. Specific value metrics are derived from value standards for each individual project.
- Anchor measures (the position now)
- Target measures (what we want it to be)
- Quantification where possible — and it’s usually possible!
- Dynamic — both anchor and target measures can be amended or refined midstream based on changing ground rules and value standards
- Projects that have been managed toward yesterday’s targets will be redirected or culled
His advice on "accountability" is well-put:
- Have clear objectives
- Define and agree on them at the investment phase
- Back accountabilities with resources
- Distinguish IT and business accountabilities
His trailing slides hit home.
- Continually question assumptions about which project was justified
- Remember, accountabilities are all important.
- Quantify and measure at every stage.