IRISH TIMES -- In "Clothes Maketh the Profession," Rosita Boland resorts to a stereotype of "creative types -- artists, writers." She needs to visit the current members of the MA in Visual Arts Practices who meet several times each week in Temple Bar Gallery and Studios and to note how they personify 21st century fashion. She would quickly discard this so-wrong description:
Both sexes tend to favour long hair. Dreadlocks are out, but pony-tails enduringly popular. For women, skirts either flow to the ankles or stop not far below their navel--you will never find a woman arty type in a knee-length skirt. Men love weird T-shirts, with strang and pointless words on them, such as "Deep-frozen love," "Meat," and "Air Rocks."
Rosita Boland -- "Cracking the work dress code" in The Irish Times Life Features, April 30, 2004.