STEVE RUBEL -- If you have ever wondered whether the blogging world is in touch with the real world, you could try turning off the real world for a while. It would be like entering the Big Brother House for a week. That's what Steve Rubel is doing. He will see how deeply inside the traditional media landscape the bloggers have gone because he's leaving all traditional newscasts and broadsheets behind for a week and subsisting on a news flow only from bloggers, beginning tomorrow.
Rublel "will not pick up a newspaper, magazine, watch TV news, or visit a news website. The only way I will stay up to date on what's going is by reading what's posted on other weblogs. I will also not click any blog links to journalist-written stories or browse non-blog RSS feeds."
At the end of a week, Rubel wants some authority to "send me some basic current-events quiz questions that cover any or all of the following topics: U.S. top stories, business news, entertainment news, and sports news." He aims to earn above a 66% on the quiz.
I wonder if he would take two current affairs questions from a European journalist at the end of his news fast?
JD Lasica thinks Steve "will do just fine."
Steve Outing -- "How Healthy Is a Blog-Only News Diet?"
Steve Rubel -- "Going on a blog-on news diet for a week"