KILKENNY -- It's always a bit traumatic when you strip things down in the real world and no less traumatic when scrubbing down a blog. I'm using part of the summer to spawn several distinct sections on the side of Irish Typepad, one for my classroom activities, another focused on items of interest from southeast Ireland, and a third being a speechwriter's corner. Those are the activities that pay my meal ticket and when I make them part of my work flow, everything gets accomplished more efficiently.
This remodeling of the site's information architecture follows a Winerism that mandates an orange XML icon for anything deserving collaboration. As I've long believed, collaboration starts with information sharing. For that to be effective, you need separate feeds for aggregators and archivists. I'll have that sorted by the end of June. In the meantime, some will visit here and discover 404s where their favourite categories used to live. The categories have to vaporise because the blog will gain novice authors who confuse easily when faced with too many categories. Also, I need to reduce the tendency to hoover nearly everything from my notebooks into my blogs. I think it's a pathological problem, especially during the summertime.
Katie Hafner -- "For some, the blogging never stops"