BURNINGBIRD -- Shelley Powers closes down comments on one of her discussion threads because "there is little true and genuine respect in this thread, especially to me, as demonstrated by gentlemen ... coming into it and using it as they wish."
She's taking it personally and in one fell swoop, makes it a gender issue.
Women are marginalized in weblogging–not heard, not respected, and nothing more than stones in the river for men to step on as they go to meet with each other to have their ‘important’ discussions–and this thread is a perfect demonstration of it.Such is the thick-skinned world of commentary among the A-list of the blogging world.And when we demand to be heard, or worse, disagree with you, you hound us with petty threats, or send your friends out to bury us; you pull our writing out of context, and link to comment threads to disrupt, disturb, and harrass.
Dave Winer -- "Shelley Powers closes the discussion"
Shelley Powers -- "Eight million stories in the naked city"