GUARDIAN -- ITV is looking to Linux to streamline operations. Jack Schofield spoke to IT director Nick Leake about the rationale. It's less expensive and easier to streamline operations by switching platforms.
"We had servers that had cost hundreds of thousands of pounds only a few years ago," said Nicke Leake. "We took them out and replaced them with Linux servers with half as many processors and the hardware cost of those servers was less than the hardware maintenance bill of the ones we were taking out. And wih half as many processors, we were getting a 20 to 30% performance gain. The economics of that are quite compelling."
ITV runs a Citrix solution as well. "But we're not going to roll that out at the moment," Leake says. "If we're going to lock the desktop down for five years, we can't lock it down on Linux." He's actually thinking either Linux with Open Office or a Citrix desktop for users by the end of the decade.
Jack Schofield -- "Pure economics" in The Guardian, July 29, 2004.
Leader Pascal -- "Longhorn and Linux"