PHOTODUDE -- On a normal weekday, a minimum of 1000 different people arrive here, Normally, five or six comments appear on the bottom of various items. Once posted, those comments append only to the bottom of the web pages only. I stopped showing recent comments on all pages because they were attrracting spammers. Others haven't been as fortunate.
Reid Stott explains why he is abandoning Movable Type (MT)--it's a spam magnet. Typepad has many of MT's architectural features along with very potent spam protection measures. I've gone from pruning six or seven unwanted spams and trackbacks from my stuff to no more than three or four a week. My spam burden has declined, even though my traffic count has climbed. On some days, more than 10,000 people visit this site--but most want things like the V710 hack, McCormack Hack, BitTorrent search (especially West Wing episodes) and bikini videos. Even at those peak loads--times when I'm well over my 5 GB monthly transfer limit--no more than a half dozen ejits penetrate the spam barriers.
I opened a Help Ticket with Six Apart to tell them their spam counter-measures were effective. I consider that Help Ticket as a marker for my round eight of the fight against comment spammers. From the sound of it, others haven't been as fortunate.
Reid Stott -- "MT plus comment spam equals dead site"
A9 -- Search for "comment spam round" and see my earlier battles.
Bonus Link: Jay Allen -- "Comment spam load issue"