KILKENNY -- We have free Wi-Fi in Kilkenny but you have to stand to use it while inside Power Newsagents off the Johns Bridge. That's much the same as standing up next to Eircom payphones in Dublin and using free Wi-Fi there. Perhaps these little nodes will catch the eye of Nancy Gohring, the senior editor from Wi-Fi Networking News who is about to be based in Dublin. I carry a listing of free Irish WiFi hotspots that I started when Karlin Lillington began publishing Irish hotspots. The list is on my Sony Clie and scratched out on the back of a page in one of my wireless journals. As Karlin notes, the cost of Wi-Fi access in Ireland is prohibitive. Personally, I believe there's competitive advantage gained by setting up free hotspots in hotel lobbies and coffee docks.
Hot Tip #1: wear black and no trainers if you expect to use the Morrison's hotspot without a bouncer over your shoulder.
Hot Tip #2: International visitors inside Dublin taxis who ask to traverse O'Connell Street will find more free payphone connections within 700m of the GPO than any other landmark in the capital. Irish taxis can park with impunity curbside while you conduct your free Wi-Fi business in the back seat with your laptop. It will cost you around 10 cents a minute to keep the car stationary (in gridlock or in Wi-Fi mode).
Bernie's List of Wi-Fi hotspots. Personally checked and frequently used.
Karlin Lillington -- "Irish Wi-Fi hotspot directory" and free wireless access outside Eircom payboxes."
Glenn Fleischman -- "The senior editor and the old sod"