OREILLY -- After Business Week totally warps the story about Michael Lynn's expose of a vulnerability in Cisco routers, you have to think of the importance of whitehats in technology. Whitehats give a sanity check to ebullient technologists and puff pieces from IT firms, often by pointing out when the emperor has no clothes. In the case of Michael Lynn, he pointed out an insecurity problem with Cisco routers, a problem Cisco says it generic to all routers. Whan he fingered the problem, he planned to resign from his job with a consultancy service tied to Cisco products. Some people, like Business Week blogger Steve Hamm, think Lynn is a "smartass researcher" while others like O'Reilly blogger Marc Hedlund think Hamm "is protecting the Internet, and deserves our praise".
Marc Hedlund -- "BusinessWeek blows the Michael Lynn story"
Steve Hamm -- "The Blackhats must be gloating"
Bruce Schneier -- "Cisco harasses security researcher"
Antoin O Lachtnain -- "Spin spin spin"