WHILE STANDING inside a dark house (because it has no power at the moment), I pulled a post from LiteFeeds written by Gary Turner where he talks about consolidating his stuff in a "digital household media federation initiative" so if he's listening, I need to know whether he's snapping pictures or writing short pieces on archiving vinyl, cassette tapes and optical discs. I've got a disparate collection and it begs for some semblance of order.
Turner writes about getting Sky+ and how it resulted in an "amazing improvement to the way we watch and use TV, only problem is the SKY+ box only has a 40GB hard disk which limits it to around 20 hours of storage. Plus you can't really move the 'content' around, with only a facility to dump down to through analog signal to an external VCR or other recording device".
I'm thinking about getting some sort of all-in-one broadband box. Otherwise, I'll convert a slim box closet into a server rack and chain together rescued computers that I'll rebadge as data servers. The adventure continues.
Gary Turner -- "Time Travel Part 4"