ON 31 AUGUST, I am joining Nir Ofir in BlogDay 2005 because "link whoring all by yourself looks tacky". BlogDay is when bloggers from all over the world will recommend five new blogs and tag them at Technorati. Hopefully, cloned blogs won't be shoveled into the mix. According to the organiser, blogs should be "different from their own in culture, point of view and attitude".
Short instructions:
- Find 5 new Blogs that you find interesting .
- Notify the five bloggers that you are recommending on them on BlogDay 2005.
- Write a short description of the Blogs and place a a link to the recommended Blogs.
- Post the BlogDay Post on August 31st.
- Add the BlogDay tag [http://technorati.com/tag/BlogDay2005] and a link to BlogDay web site [http://www.blogday.org]