THE ONLY PLACE I have seen a slideshow play from a mobile phone has been in a classroom at Tipperary Institute. We do it with the Nokia 9500 and with the Sony Ericsson Walkman W800i mobile phone. Now that I see several students with Nokia 3G phones, we are going to try their phones as mobile slideshow projectors as well.
With the Sony Ericsson W800i, you select the images from your phone through a menu option called "remote screen". Gerry Flynn is doing this now with screenshots of a video project. He clicks through the images manually and it automatically transmits each image over Bluetooth to the television screen using the Sony MMV-100. He also uses the "slideshow" option and accepts the built-in delays between slides.
Here's the big deal: if you convert your Powerpoint presentation to screenshots and save them as JPG images on your Bluetooth phone, you can show them on or through any device that has a SCART connection. This means you can run basic Powerpoint from a mobile phone. No computer. Nothing other than a phone with your slides and a television (or a projector) with a SCART device on the back. You can then walk all around the place, controlling everything from your hand with the menu on your phone.
I like it when technology converges at the lowest level.
Learned in the TippInst Skunkworks.
Previously on IrishEyes -- "Pocket convergence"