UPDATED 18 May 2011: Changed words in the post to see if Google Adsense approved.
UPDATED on 6 November 2005: No fewer than 70 people a day hit this page in search of "iPod P*rn" so we know it's a promising market.
HELLHOUSE VIDEO now offers tracks for your iPod Photo, including This Little Piggy and Sindi's Wet and Messy Adventure. I got this tip from a comment spammer who left the information on one of my blog posts. (The spammer had used MSN Arabia in search of "practise sex with a woman" and that's a category where the "best practise" section of this blog has consistently landed in the Top 10 of those kinds of queries.) The entertainment industry--specifically Playboy and Penthouse--have noticed this rising trend. Suicide Girls, which specializes in piercing and tattoos on pinups, has put free clips of its offering on its Web site. Can the celeb sites be far behind? I imagine the first announcements are floating inside my Yahoo! mail spam folder.
Doc Searls and Peter Kafka -- "iPorn?"
Google found 185,000 references to iP*rn. One week later, the count dropped to 159,000 entries. The dotcom address is a linkfest.