I RATIONALISE AWAY some of my packrat tendencies by pointing to my gene pool where you would find my mother sitting on a house jammed with treasures discovered at garage sales. I also claim rights to keep old things because of the rationale explained in Wabi-Sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets and Philosophers. Written by Leonard Koren, wabi-sabi is "the Zen of things." Koren writes how things can be beautiful even when "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete." In other words, wabi-sabi "is a beauty of things unconventional." Dale Dougherty stumbled upon these same words and says wabi originally referred to "the misery of living alone in nature" and sabi meant "lean" or "withered." Over time, Wabi-Sabi came to mean an appreciation of the simple things in life. In Ireland, wabi-sabi would equate to "organic" or maybe even "sustainable."