ANYONE WHO FLIES the continent of Europe knows how unrestricted Irish airspace is by comparison. Here is what I have observed.
1. You can land on open areas away from populated towns without reporting it as an off-airport event. Try that in Germany and the Polizei are on your nose before your propellor has stopped rotating. In Ireland, they take you down to the pub for a well-earned pint before helping you on your way.
2. You can fly over housing estates at 500 feet above ground level and as long as your engine is no louder than a boy racer's motor, you are good to go.
3. You can pylon turn around the ruins of castles without upsetting the national heritage authorities. In Germany, it's a noise offence.
4. You can land at major airports following a departure from a European country with no passports for the passengers and no visits from customs or immigration officials.
So is it any wonder that a lot has to happen before Ireland changes its set-up for rendition flights.