I CARRY A GIG of read-write audible storage in my pocket and it's not enough storage for media playback, even when the data are compressed as a Sony Digital Voice File. A gig of storage on well-used audio devices is nothing. I got a 1GB Memory Stick Pro storage stick for €159 and then promptly bought another when I tried to use the stick on a daily basis. I discovered that my churn rate of audible information is high enough to blow through 300 MB of new material a week. That's material I download, review, revise, and record. If more than a fortnight passes by without me significantly editing the material on my gig sticks, I'm out of space. The gig sticks start to look like my email system: lots of stuff all over the place but worse because there's no easy way to definitely index audio files on removeable media. I know many knowledgeable people read this blog and I hope to read some suggestions about managing audio files on-the-go. I don't have another €159 to throw at the problem of managing my spoken media collection.
Image of digital dictaphone from my Flickr photostream.