STATCOUNTER registered your visit if you read these words on my weblog but there's a limit to the accuracy of all web stats. For instance, if you want to draw conclusions about return visitor habits, you should know that if you try to tie user sessions to a particular IP address, you will be inducing some errors in your research. I believe that at least 20% of the visitors to my website change their IP addresses on return visits. They hop around because their ISPs dynamically reassign IP addresses. At least 5% of my visitors refuse cookies or use cloaking. That means more than a quarter of my visitors are statistically absent from effective tracking. I imagine this is the same error rate accepted by major e-commerce websites like Aer Lingus or Amazon. Those sites reward customer loyalty when you sign in and give them a more accurate means of tracking your use of the web site.
Adam Fields -- "What's the big fuss about IP addresses?"