SECOND LEVEL TEACHERS can work with an Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) research team in an Irish third level educational institution for a period of between six and eight weeks during the school holidays. It's called the Secondary Teacher Assistant Researchers (STAR) programme,now in its third year.
Teachers receive the stipend equivalent of up to eight weeks salary for participating in the programme. A listing the 2006 Research Projects appears on the SFI website. Teachers should identify an SFI-funded research project of interest on the website and make direct contact with the researcher using the details provided.
Last summer 50 teachers worked with SFI-funded research teams based in third level institutions throughout the country. The aim of the programme is to transfer new skills and knowledge to teachers which can be passed on to school pupils to enhance their career prospects in the fields of science and engineering. The closing date for completed STAR Submission Deadline is Monday, 27th March 2006.