BECAUSE COLLEAGUES hound me for my energy awareness, I counted the 38 light fixtures in our home and asked myself whether I really wanted to convert them to compact flourescent lights (CFLs). Those CFLs use one-fifth the power of normal incandescent bulbs. But three things work against them.
1. They cost a lot more than normal bulbs. I haven't been able to get them for less than €3 in the shops and I can get normal bulbs for less than a euro.
2. They don't feel like natural light. I really don't like flourescent light and that's the middle name of a CFL.
3. They don't seem to fit snugly in most of my sockets. That's a major nuisance when the socket faces the ground and the bulb simply cannot be tightened into place.
So it looks as though my work colleagues will be able to beat me up for my blatant disregard for energy consumption unless I convince them I'm part of the candle brigade.