HERE'S A SHOUT-OUT to Sawyer, the 12-yr old boy in New Jersey who was stricken a few weeks ago with a sudden illness that has left him unable to walk. He cannot move from the waist down. Sawyer is currently in a rehabilitation hospital in northern New Jersey. Instead of ramping up a chain letter, many bloggers are passing around the meme "getwellsawyer" so if you feel like you would like to share some sunshine from your world with a teenager who needs a little lift, blog about it, tag it, or take a picture of yourself with a sign saying "Get Well Sawyer" and tag it on Flickr. You can add yourself to Sawyer's Frappr Map. Spread the meme!
Howard Greenstein -- "Get well, Sawyer!"
Robert Scoble -- "Howard's Nephew"
Picture of Doggie, the deaf Pomeranian, wishing Sawyer would get well.