STUART BRUCE, the British PR guru with attitude, asks for link love to boost his T'rati standing. A single link from Ireland won't help matters much but if dozens of Irish bloggers linked to his explanation of why it's important to vent and link commentary online, all involved would benefit. For example, if Irish bloggers appended the word "sucks" to the title of any online review of an unsatisfactory service, you would see marketers, PR consultants and brand managers jumping to attention all over the island. Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz discuss a variation of this concept in FIR #183. [2.6 MB 96 kbps MP3 file extract] The big problem is deciding on the linkages. So while most agree that driving on Irish roads sucks, who gets the link love for Irish roads? There's no dispute in saying Thinkhouse PR spam sucks. And everyone agrees broadband in Ireland sucks. Current services from Blueface suck. And I think stupid drivers in Ireland suck.