GARETH STACK writes about a worrying problem with Bebo--mountains of Bebo spam that accounts get across the globe. This is a big problem, especially for the uninitiated. Bebo’s staff merely generate form letters when contacted about the abuse, which "leaves users at the mercy of spammers and the willfully abusive." The only tactic left for a Bebo user is to block IP addresses in large swaths, which means you cut off comments from well-intentioned friends in the process. It gets worse.
We know college students who have received sexually explicit comments through Bebo accounts. When contacted, Bebo's abuse department does notrhing.
Stack hopes "Bebo’s staff are concentrating thei resources on arguably more serious (and certainly more headline grabbing) problems, removing obviously explicit and criminal material, and dealing with users who attempt to use the service to obtain sexual contact with teenagers and children below the age of consent."
But are they? Who knows, since it's tough to get more than a form letter back from Bebo when you ask for help.
Gareth Stack -- "Bebo respond uselessly"