AMAZON UNSPUN, half-baked and newly-launched, is a community-based ranking system for lists. Guinness is ranked as the best beer in the world. Other winners:
- Dumbest Celebrity is Paris Hilton.
- Best Pickup Line is yours to see.
- Ireland is rated #7 to win Rugby's world cup and also #7 holiday destination.
Here's how it works. You can submit a lists with entries and then vote on them just like Digg. Indiidual lists get their own pages with related websites, comments and links to all the lists in which that item appears. You might like the embedded social networking because once you list or vote, you get a profile pages containing the lists you’ve created and ranked.
Pete Cashmore says, "In order to be useful, these sites need to have a large number of lists. Amazon have solved that problem by leveraging Mechanical Turk: Turkers have been paid to create the lists, meaning that the database is surprisingly full. As for the idea itself, it’s really just a rehashing of Listible, the so-called “Digg for Lists” that’s been around for at least a year".
Unspun -- limited functionality, sparse interface, and where are the pictures?