WHILE THUMBING through 20 A5 copybooks that contain my sum total of takeaway learning for 2006, I read Shel Israel's prediction for blogging as it relates to the field of education. Israel thinks "we will see increased numbers of teachers using social media, including blogs, to teach and communicate with students". That's happening without any formal direction in my third level realm and is reflected in my website statistics. A day out of academic session cuts a mimimum of 100 visitors, 20 of those returning visitors. In a sense, this blog has become part of the supplemental reading materials of the four college courses that I teach.
However, getting students to blog meaningfully means awarding academic credit for their posts and for their comments. That's a recurring topic at all third level Irish education conferences that we attend every May and June.
Shel Israel -- "Gartner says blogging to peak in 2007. I bet they're wrong."
Photos from Edtech events in Ireland.