YAHOO! SHOWS why it's important to geotag your photos in Flickr. It's best practise that James Corbett has often explored with the OpenEir Initiative. Once tagged and geocoded, your photos can form part of strip maps used to guide tourists through the landscape. I've watched the Zonetaggers doing this with the Nokia cameraphone application that I've been using for more than six months. Here's a look at our home base of Cashel, with some of my images included in the mix.
We're thinking about putting this widget bling on a revised blog layout to help visitors discover more about South Tipperary. We're also gong to bring this map mash-up into both the Media Writing and Multimedia Programming modules in Tipperary Institute's multimedia degree programme..
Yahoo! offers TagMaps for free and they may be used for non-commercial purposes. Their placement is governed by the Yahoo! Maps API Terms of Use and Yahoo! APIs Terms of Use. You do not need a Yahoo! developer key, but the general principles and terms apply.
Beginners should start here.
James Corbett -- "OpenEir: The Open Source Map of Ireland"