RETURNEES LAUD the regenerative power of Reboot and this year's conclave is no different. Unlike other conferences, the attendees and their conversations make Reboot's programme. The organisers don't provide anything except a venue. Twitter isn't making Reboot an easily-followed group but Jaiku offers a Reboot backchannel. This is the best back channel I have seen running at a venue because it's truly portable. For those attending who also sit inside Facebook, I think Trakzor might be more valuable. In today's Reboot session, I sit directly under a skylight and cannot see my mobile phone screen. I am going to focus on the conversation, mooch from those nearby and share thoughts later. That's the way all good conferences work. And you don't get to see and hear the best that unfolded until reading and listening to those around you as they publish their reflections a week or so later.
It's happening at The Reboot images with the best eye for detail sit in Guido van Nispen's Reboot 9 photostream.
Jem Stone -- "Rebooting the Web 2.0 Age"