IRELAND'S FIRST LIVE TechTV event occurred in Limerick's AbsoluteHotel (chat session shown at left) during a regularly scheduled (free to anyone, arranged by the anonymous John Kennedy and promoted by James Corbett) OpenCoffee meet-up that attracted the founders of Auctomatic (funded by Y Combinator), one iPhone, one SonyEricsson P1i, 14 people on site and 12 people online following the video stream. Some American viewers in Boston did not understand all the Irish accents. You can decide by listening to the [47.3 MB 96 kbps MP3] podcast. Camera1 (live UStream) was Conn O Muineachain from Edgecast and Camera2 was Simon Curran from Tipperary Institute (video segments to follow by free subscription on next week). Those who had their instant messaging or mobile phone text in-boxes configured could follow the event easily on the Jaiku Irish OpenCoffee channel. For those who missed the action, here's a back-to-front flow of the day pulled from my newsfeeds. It's probably not the entire flow, because both Google Reader and FreeNews fail to hoover all lines from Twitter and Jaiku.
10.1334 First visit from Edelman Ireland to this blog post. An average of 6 views an hour were recorded here in the first 12 hours this report was public.
10.1322 First visit by electronic clipping service from Silicon Valley.
10.0939 Walter Higgins: "still buzzing from yesterday's opencoffee limerick. Must try to attend next one in person."
10.0907 First visit by clipping service used by the Irish Minister for Enterprise.
10.0748 Posted "Back Channels at Ireland's First Live TechTV Event"
10.0128 Aidan Finn, on tour from Galway, blogged about Limerick OpenCoffee.
09.2229 Damien Mulley: "Well done, Conn and Bernie. Bye bye RTE."
09.2020 Jan Blanchard blogs about the seminal event and shares his typically sharp photographs.
09.1959 James Corbett realised he missed the iPhone on the table in front of the main conversation.
09.1833 John Collison blogs about his impressions of Limerick OpenCoffee.
09.1805 John Collison sets up a Facebook group for Limerick OpenCoffee.
09.1757 Aidan Finn: "Got to try an iPhone at Limerick OCC today. Very slick. Interface worked just as well as in the video. I want one!"
09.1638 John Collison: "Back from an awesome time in Limerick OCC."
09.1525 Alexia Golez wishes she was in the Shannonside sunshine.
09.1458 An hour after the session breaks up, 11 attendees are still at lunch, seated next to the river on Sir Harry's Quay in Limerick.
09.1422 Conor O'Neill thinks both Enterprise Ireland and Intertrade Ireland should look at the potential of live streaming Irish OpenCoffee sessions. But, "But do they listen to social media? And who is going to bust down their doors so they cop on to this All-Island cross-talk channel?"
09.1415 Several attendees pointed to essential infrastructure for the free stream at free three megabits per second wifi throughout the venue linked to outstanding service that took both upstream and downstream requests simultaneously into the same room.
09.1402 Niall Larkin: "Spine-tingling indeed. A perfect demo of how you can capture lightning in a bottle. Better than Live TV at its best."
09.1335 Critt Jarvis -- "Over the top too cool on a day I really have to get some stuff done. Wish Adam had this at Berkman tonight."
09.1305 Bernie Goldbach worried about running out of DV tape.
09.1304 Aidan Finn arrives "very late" in the Brainbox, after discovering it via clues from Conn's video stream and the Jaiku text flow.
09.1303 Niall Larkin -- "Nice live discussion of pros and cons of smalltalk vs rails for by the guys at auctomatic."
09.1302 James Corbett -- "Before we wind up here at Limerick Open Coffee, any questions from the audience for the Collison brothers? Watch it answered live!"
09.1254 Eoghan McCabe: "OCC Limerick video (+plus Twitter, Jaiku) stream was spine-tinglingly good. I felt genuinely connected from a couple hundred miles away."
09.1249 Web 2.0 Ireland: "OpenCoffee Limerick Auctomatic Chat on uStream."
09.1230 Conor O'Neill points to the video stream and blogs about it too.
09.1242 Conor O'Neill -- "If you want to see the future of Business TV then Conn and Bernie and the guys have just shown it."
09.1241 Conor O'Neill -- "Blog post on today's game-changing Limerick OCC."
09.1240 "Amazed at the quality of segment from Limerick Brainbox about working the eBay ecosystem. This is mainstream."
09.1235 "Getting tips about Paddy's Valley introductions from Silicon Valley survivors."
09.1222 Ken McGuire: "Streaming quality fantastic."
09.1215 Niall Larkin -- "It's streaming really well."
09.1206 Aidan Finn: "At Limerick OCC talk by Auctomatic."
09.1201 "Listening live to adventures in start-up streaming live with details on the Jaiku Irish OpenCoffee channel."
09.1156 Conn O Muineachain is live streaming Limerick OpenCoffee.
09.0813 Bernie Goldbach: "Forgot to recharge the DV camera batteries but packing them for Limerick OpenCoffee anyway."
08.1714 Conn O Muineachain: "@topgold - Are you and Natasha bringing video cameras to OpenCoffee Limerick tomorrow?"
08.1625 Conor O'Neill: "Hoping to hear many live reports of Limerick OCC tomorrow."
08.1527 Liam Noonan: "Looking forward to finally attending my first open coffee event."
Reach Patrick and John (pictured as the left and middle men in the photo) at Follow the conversation in the Irish OpenCoffee channel, an all-Island stream of information.
Conor O'Neill -- Limerick OCC Livestream"
Aidan Finn -- Limerick OpenCoffee with Auctomatic"
Liam Noonan -- "Impressions of OpenCoffee in Limerick"
James Corbett -- "Collison Brothers Sell Silicon Valley"