I HAVE COMMITTED to handing over a SonyEricsson P1i to the Eirepreneur in hopes that he can break it without physically damaging the phone. Before the hand-off, I plan to sync my back-up phone to ZYB's online services and I've pulled the process into this blog post as a point of reference.
Follow these steps to setup a SonyEricsson P910i for ZYB online backup.
1. Go to Menu, Select Applications.
2. choose Remote sync.
3. Select Preferences from the Edit menu.
4. Select the Server tab.
5. Address: http://sync.zyb.com/
6. Username: topgold
7. Password: your ZYB password.
8. Select the Protocol tab.
9. Transport protocol Enter a working internet connection like O2 GPRS.
10. Use transport login: Leave empty.
11. Press Done.
12. Open each Sync task in turn. Select Enable task Don't change the Task name and enter the following data base names:
13. Contacts: contacts
14. Calendar : calendar
15. Email Disable this Sync task.
16. Press Sync, Select Connect and Choose ZYB Profile to start sync .
From ZYB, the online phone backup service.