I JOINED THE FACEBOOK group "I judge you when you use poor grammar" because it was the first group I found with more than 100,000 members. That means it has a solid channel of hate mail targeted at the Grammar Nazis, like the pieces below the break.
From Roman Rogers, Rabun County Middle School:
ur group is so gay and i dont see why is it ur prob that other ppl make mistakes in their shit...btw some of the stuff in the pics wasnt even wrong dumbass...hope this letter bugs the shit out of you...i was trying to misspell half the shit alrigh...get a life and quit making fun of ppl who cant spell cause sum ppl jus cant.
From Garrett Lindenmann:
"hye abooout yor group aboooutt u judjin poepl woh cnt spel, fcuk u! im vrey dislxeic".
From Emma Morris:
dear superior supervisor of "I judge you when you use poor grammar", it's "BAD" grammar, not "poor" grammar. just so you know, judgey.
Facebook's I Judge You group is open to all comers.