FROM WHAT I HEAR, it's easy to get disoriented near railroad tracks. In England, people have turned onto tracks when directed by their GPS units. In the States, a Twitter transcript below the break via Doc Searls tells the story of a elderly woman who cheated death on the tracks.
From David Armano comes this transcript.
Drat, the CNN link is not Twitter friendly. Just go to my post and click from there about 2 hours ago from web
CNN link video about 2 hours ago from web
The train rescue story from last night has gone national. Video coverage on CNN video about 2 hours ago from web;
@scottmonty that's cool! about 6 hours ago from web in reply to ScottMonty
try link again about 6 hours ago from web
thanks to @lizstrauss Doc Searls picked up the Heroes story. about 6 hours ago from web
@conniereece just saw the comment. Thanks. You're right, we are seeing more of this kind of stuff—Twitter used to break news.about 16 hours ago from web in reply to conniereece
Wrote a post about the train accident i witnessed. It's called "HEROES" 16 hours ago from web
The train accident I witnessed is on the Chicago Tribune already!!! about 17 hours ago from web
@kalisurfer is that a serious question? I ride the bike to take a break from technology. ;-) about 17 hours ago from web in reply to kalisurfer
@mariosundar not rough at all. I didn't do a thing except witness the accident go down. miracoulously no one got hurt, all is good! about 17 hours ago from web in reply to mariosundar
@mariosundar I'm back home now about to hit the sack. amazing evening. I'll have to try to put some thoughts together for a post. about 17 hours ago from web in reply to mariosundar
@conniereece they cheated death by about 5 seconds from what I could see. about 18 hours ago from web in reply to conniereece
this is sad, but my first thought when I came on scene was that it was a bunch of kids screwing around/up to no good was the exact opposite about 18 hours ago from web
the train that demolished the car just passed through now. it's an Amtrack (not one of the local commuter trains) about 18 hours ago from web
@dbrazeal I don't have names. but it was 3 boys and 2 girls. looked like high school juniors or seniors. about 18 hours ago from web in reply to dbrazeal
@conniereece I'm trying to do it justice. amazing to have been on the scene. I'm glad I got to congratulate the kids. they were awesome! about 18 hours ago from web in reply to conniereece
I'll keep an eye out for the msm story. it'll be in the chicago tribune for sure. given the human element of story, maybe it spreads about 18 hours ago from web
@dbrazeal yes. one of them called 911 before the train hit. the other two ran to the car and pulled her out. seconds later 2 trains hit it about 18 hours ago from web in reply to dbrazeal
From David Armano's Twitterstream and from his post "Heroes".
Laura Fitton -- "Three kids save woman from train crash in Glenview IL"