LOOKING BACK AT my usage trends with Google Reader, I see that my reading rate has actually decreased year-to-year. Last year, I had "read 2,998 items, starred 30 and shared none." Today, Google tells me that from my 236 subscriptions, I have "read 2,624 items, starred 0 items, shared 37 items, and emailed 0 items." Most of my slowdown in reading is directly related to the increase in rich media appearing as part of my news subscriptions. Some of these audio files run longer than an hour. If I use Google Reader to play them, I have to keep the focus on the item and not flick to another subscription to read what is happening there. Unlike most of my friends, I don't mind if I have a pile of unread links. I have six shelves of unread books at this point too, including some stacked around the Christmas greetings at left.