ALTHOUGH I CAN save lots of money when buying products and services from O2-Ireland online, I have learned that my local O2 channel sales partner looks after me better over the counter than I get from online support. Just before Christmas, Brendan Coleman pulled up my most recent bill. He was surprised that I was spending more than himself. He recommended that I change to Active Life 150 so I did. Today, the bill arrived for a month's hard use and I owe O2 less than €50 for the same voice, text and data that cost me €139 a few months before. At this rate of savings, I will have more than €800 in my pocket for Christmas presents--money saved through more efficient billing. But the cool thing is that I get 100 free minutes of calls to a national land line, And since more than an hour of my national land line calls ring a VoIP switch, this means I am getting 100 free minutes of calls from my mobile phone to phones in the States. Active Life 150 gives me 10 MB of data free every month but something about my phone number means I have no data cap. For that magic treatment, I thank my channel service expert. Now I wish I could roll back billables on my petrol purchases. I'm off to analyse my other three mobile phone bills too.
Bonus Track: Sarah Silverman -- "I'm fucking Matt Damon" [2.7 MB MP3] Downloaded onto my Nokia 9500 as part of my 10 MB package. Must ensure I get a bigger bite of data next month.