Bernie Goldbach in Cashel | Shot of Nokia E90
I HAVE USED THE GOOGLE iREADER, the version of Google Reader programmed for the iPhone. It's also very tasty when running on my Nokia E90 as the shot shows at left. Like many things from Google, this is a beta version of the full-fledged Goodle Reader. You can bookmark it easily at and I started using it on my phones, I noticed that it offered many of the same features as the desktop, while making it quick and easy to act on items. If you've used list view, then it should be familiar to you. I walk around town using open wifi or O2-Ireland 3G and use the joystick on the E90 to scroll quickly through interesting items. By driving the arrow to the bold print and tapping the center of the joystick on the outside or inside of the E90, I get the full item in its expanded view. Starring, sharing, and keeping unread are done in place, so I never have to leave the list view or refresh the page. I think it might be faster to use the iReader on the E90 than it is on the iPhone since my finger can always remain on the joystick to navigate quickly.
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Bernie Goldbach curates links about newsfeeds.