AT SUNRISE IN IRELAND, my Nokia E90 connected to Jaiku after more than a week away. During that time, Jaiku's backroom team endured a server power problem, moved from one data centre to another, but without porting Jaiku onto the Google Application Engine. When the service restarted, it meant waiting for DNS settings to propagate and users had to approve a new privacy policy. All these things meant a week's downtime while opening Jaiku to all comers. The subsequent Jaiku Fail-o-thon upset some hardcore users who believe they have been long-fingered and abused by Google, owners of Jaiku. Personally, I like the tone and functionality of Jaiku over Twitter, the favourite child of Ireland's connected generation. Jaiku gives me textual information (free SMS from Jaiku), a presence-aware mobile phone client that tells the world where I am, and threaded discussion that offers some sanity among all the babble that a wide-open Twitter has become. I know I'm a different kind of infomaniac than others who fill their days with meaningful exchanges in the Twitterverse. I play on Twitter as well but I straddle both communities since the voices and the functionality in one space are very different. Skipping around the two places (Twitter and Jaiku) is like walking parts of Parnell Street in Dublin. You're still on Irish soil but the faces and the conversations are often worlds away. Perhaps you need to walk with my earbuds to appreciate the metaphor. I like having Jaiku back--faster and with a deeper history than Twitter--and I like having free access to both communities. You might too, or you might prefer just to subscribe to the flow and read a day's babblings in two screens of information. All it costs is your time.
I am topgold on both Twitter and Jaiku.
You can subscribe to my Twitter RSS feed or my Jaiku RSS feed. It's less tedious than hanging out on screen.
Fabsh said, "Oh look, Jaiku is back from its massive Fail-a-thon". Jyri says, "A part of my job has been to make it easier to share things on Google."
Previously: "Trying to fit into Twitter"