MY WORK DAYS PUT ME in contact with a special group of creatives--all third level students--nudging me to consider what kind of world awaits them in 2012 when all will be through a BSc in Creative Multimedia. I think they will enter a workplace where it will be unprecedentedly difficult for anyone, anyone at all, to keep a secret. Blogging will be going strong in 2012. In the age where leaked information has become an online sport and with social networks peeling back the layers of anonymity we used to enjoy down the pub, in an Irish society where pre-crime is becoming ushered in as a forensic approach to civil order, some truths will be hand-rolled, others will be outed and spotlighted. This is something my twice-retired CI buddies are telling well-regarded transition team members right now in the Old Executive Office Building and it's a careful advice I would bring to the attention of every diplomat, politician and corporate leader: the future, eventually, will find you out. The future, wielding unimaginable tools of transparency, will have its way with you. In the end, you will be seen to have done that which you did. And by 2012, we anyone with rudimentary skills will know your first degree of separation, the geotags for your home, the financing remaining on your car, and the last time your pet was immunised. This is the near-term future and we have made it that way.
Self-shot in Havana, a free and open wifi zone in a friendly centre location of Dublin, Ireland. I used a three-year old Fujifilm S7000 camera while thinking of Euan and tapas.