PIRATES OFF THE AFRICAN COAST are facing blasts by highly focused acoustic devices from American Technology Corporation. The one shown is a medium range device that can be used to bark out verbal warnings and if that doesn't achieve the result, it can be used with a deterrent tone to influence behavior. These devices have highly unique direct acoustic outputs, using efficient, customized capacitive transducers. They achieve full output with less than 400 watts. MRADs (shown) and LRADs can blast targets with a precise beam of sound. They can be connected to MP3 players and then cranked up to excruciatingly painful levels. British private firm Anti-Piracy Maritime Security Solutions (APMSS) hires out three-man teams of ex-military personnel who use LRADs on ships to work against pirates off the Somalian coast. When running at full power, MRADs and LRADs will result in permanent hearing damage to anyone who gets within 100 meters of the antenna.
Xeni Jardin -- "Focused Sound Laser for Crowd Control" on NPR, 13 June 2005.
AFP -- "Pirates thwarted with sonic blast" 19 November 2008.