DURING THE CHRISTMAS SEASON OF 1996, I looked at ways of creating an online presence. In Ireland, the 10 MB of space, URL, and FTP access would cost me more than 1500 Irish punts. I got the same service and more for 350 British pounds so I set up Topgold.com on Corpex. Years later, that domain is held under tight fist at Corpex, the subject of billing challenges. This year, as Ireland sleeps, I'm going to try to do the same thing--set up a discretionary domain. I'm asking Blacknight for help, with no guarantees as to what will happen. If I get what I request, the world will see Bernie Goldbach emerge on an education weblog and finally be able to judge whether there's anything from the hills of Tippeary of value in the edublogging realm. I'm holding my breath--between several Christmas feasts--not knowing where the new world will take us. Check back for updates. Or merely set a bookmark to Bern.ie and see if it lights up before the middle of January.