I LIKE TOM HUMPHRIES when he talks from the locker room for the Irish Times. In today's Sports News, Tom writes about snotty-nosed bloggers (my term, although he does cite Ireland as a "snot-green republic") who seem to be debasing sports journalism, since it appears that anybody with "text capability or emails gets on air or in print, not with inside dope but with their own opinions." Bloggers (and tweeple, if Tom had wanted to really point at the true culprits) are the pamphleteers of the 21st century. According to Tom Humphries, there are some big factors missing in the blog revolution. "There are some fine new voices whom it is a pleasure to read but they compete with the wretched tin-ears, with the permanently raw and the ever-itchy victimes of modern (male, mostly) anger, the voices who shout the loudest and the coarsest things, the athletes of the workplace laptop who can spring the fastest to hard conclusion." I can see Tom Humphries' point since I use his rubric to prune the list of people whose blogs I read. And I respect Tom Humphries as a journalist, just as I respect John Collins and Danny O'Brien, two journos in his paper who also happen to blog occasionally.
Tom Humphries -- "Quality voices drowned out by blog revolution" in The Irish Times, 22 December 2008.