DRY UNDERFOOT and 3G all around, I made a few Qik clips while reading a few Sunday newspapers in Ireland. Today's Sunday Business Post offers several stories worth sharing in a closed room protected by the blanket of academic disclaimer. That means I will not inform blog readers about those themes but I will offer one related thought. In an era where start-ups need precious cash and the helping hand of credit, it pays to watch the water for sharks who thrive on the fruits of innovative labour. I have always wondered why it remains so easy to set up daughter companies in Ireland, then shovel core assets into those Tochter Firmen with no recourse by regulators, shareholders or employees. I have been inside three of those Irish companies since landing in Ireland in 1994. It's just too easy to avoid paying tax and it's relatively simple to shortchange social welfare payments that should be made for employees once you see how the enforcement agencies work. Anyway, those issues are just below the surface in reports on Irish newstands today. I won't cite anything more specific in this internet post. See me at Bizcamp or during Limerick OpenCoffee if you want the rest of the story.
Sources for today's SBP Qik clip follow. All items appeared in the Sunday Business Post, 1 March 2009.
Emma Kennedy -- "Computer glitch may scupper levy" on the front page of the Sunday Business Post, 1 March 2009.
Emma Kennedy -- "Limerick tech company secures €500,000 worth of public sector contracts"
Adrian Weckler -- "Apple's Picture Perfect System"
Adrian Weckler -- "ISPs strike back in downloading war"
Catherine O'Mahony -- "€2m Bord Gais spend pays off"