FOR THE FIRST TIME, I'm heading across the Atlantic with a toddler and our journey includes New York City (NYC) and Pennsylvania Dutch country (LNC). I'm comfortable going to both places because I grew up in Lancaster and occasionally visited NYC. But this time, I'm with a young child whose needs are different from mine. So I headed over to TripAdvisor and started looking at other travelers. I poked into Flickr, checking out the most interesting photos for New York (some beautiful images there) and Lancaster. I posted my travel plans on Dopplr. And I looked up a few people I knew on LinkedIn who are living in those two areas. I'm delighted to discover new ideas from all those sources. And I plan to add my comments to trips I've annotated on TripAdvisor. I'm not saying a thing on Twitter, but I've looked up NYC (260,000 results) and Pennsylvania (31,000 results) on Twitter, learning a few things along the way as well.
Feel free to comment on TripAdvisor.Or on Dopplr. I'm topgold on Twitter.