WHEN I CARRY sensitive data, it's never where you expect to find it. For example, all my really valuable document scans and other related photo imagery sits inside the digital dictaphone at left (or maybe not). Because I don't want to have a laptop stolen and data compromised, I normally carry it on removeable memory cards. Things like cameras, recorders, and smart phones have those cards. I won't buy a recorder if it doesn't have a memory card option. At US borders, searches of electronic media are permitted by law. I've seen laptops booted up and inspectors looking for "information that poses serious harm to the United States, including terrorist plans, or constitutes criminal activity—such as possession of child pornography and trademark or copyright infringement." But I've never seen an inspector looking at a DOC file on a camera. If you carry data and need to keep it from prying eyes, you really need more than a removeable media strategy. You need something like Microvault software that locks and hides directories. But you knew that already, if you're in the business of safeguarding sensitive data while traveling.
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