WE HAVE A TODDLER who is growing up digital. She knows how to slide through interfaces before she knows how to use the toilet. Because I'm not a big fan of glass cockpits, I'm restricting her use of touchscreens but I don't mind her pushing buttons to make things work. That's what she's doing with a digital dictaphone at right. Like a lot of American families, television is an almost constant presence in her daily life. This means she will watch more television before turning three than I did before turning 13. As a very young child, she has been viewing different kinds of screens and trying to manipulate different sorts of electronic media on a daily basis. Mia is growing up with electronic media as a normative part of her daily life. I wonder what's going to happen when she discovers her primary school is locked in the last century. I also wonder what the impact of daily media use is on very young minds.
I thought I wouldn't ever let her watch television on her own but she's able to turn on the main TV set, select a DVD, insert it, and push the play button. If it doesn't appeal, she can eject the platter and start again. The only way I can stop her using the set is by pulling the plug. She can switch on the mains power selector by experimenting with the outlets.