SO MUCH OF MY ONLINE WORLD is full of people with the need for self-expression and it shouldn't be difficult for me to nurture that motivation in students who take the creative multimedia module at Tipperary Institute. I've structured a few continuous assessment activities that are designed to reveal facets of personalities and hope to share some of the most interesting items on my blog. As I've learned since my blogging started in 2001, writing in an online journal is not merely churning out a collection of links--that worked in the early days. If people behind Storyful,, Flipboard and My6sense are right, blogging has taken on a curatorial essense. I use my blogging as a method of constructing knowledge and critically appraising sources. I'm also turning Inside View into a place where I consider thoughts for course projects as well as a place to archive literature study and extracts from reflective journals. When students know they're expected to share in public, the voice they give to their writing style changes. And persona students produce deeper considerations for thoughts they share. I'm looking forward to what might evolve here on my blog. My greatest hope is that by its 10th anniversary next September, a new tone of voice will have emerged.