IT'S A SCARY WEEKEND for Ireland because all across the Sunday broadsheets are more dismal pieces about the range of Irish government borrowing, stories about the running down of cash reserves by Ireland, and more background information about how various government ministers mired the Irish people in a quagmire of unsustainable public services. Persistent increases in day-to-day Irish public spending over several years has laid the foundation for a €15 billion austerity programme that will not be pretty. With every working week, more strident criticism emerges against the Croke Park Agreement and that criticism bears down directly on my household income. I wish there was a clear acceptance around the Cabinet table that cuts need to come from the top down. Personally, I'd like the number of elected national representatives cut back to 100 and I'd like to see ministers handing in the keys to their chauffer-driven cars. I think Ireland's current challenge is like a country ravaged by war. It takes several generations to pay off war reparations. Ireland is facing into that deep hole now.
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Last Week: "Reading the Sunday Papers", 24 October 2010.
Last Month: "Sunday News with Apps Inside", 26 September 2010.
Five Years Ago: "Images worth browsing", 31 October 2005.
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